Arthur Andrew Medical, Neprofin Pet, формула с ферментами для ветеринаров, 50 г

Дополнительные факты Размер порции: один совок (1 г) Количество на порцию % Дневная стоимость Цитрат кальция: 40 мг † Собственная смесь Neprofin:
Протеаза, МСМ, Серратиопептидаза, Бромелайн, Рутин Биофлавоноиды, Амла, Целлюлаза, Папаин, Амилаза, Бетаглюканаза, Хемицеллюлаза, Фитаза, Липаза † Суточная доза не определена. Dietary SupplementInflammatory and Immune HealthJoint Motion and FlexibilityBlood Purity and CleansingDigestion and Dental HealthHealthy Non-Degeneration AgingPharmaceutical GradeNeprofin Pet® is an enzyme based dietary supplement for small animals and household pets. These enzymes digest toxic materials and impurities in the blood while supporting immune function and inflammatory health. Neprofin is commonly used when allergy, digestion, joint, blood, skin, and immune health is compromised. These enzymes are extremely effective when older animals begin to show signs of aging and debilitation. This all vegetarian non-toxic formula may be given to: dogs, cats, reptiles, and birds.

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