Childlife Clinicals, Lung Health, Healthy Lung & Respiratory Function , 2 fl oz (59 ml)

Пищевая ценностьРазмер порции: 1 млПорций в упаковке: 59 Количество в 1 порции% от суточной нормыВитамин С (в виде аскорбиновой кислоты) 50 мг56%Витамин B6 (в виде пиридоксина гидрохлорида) 10 мг 588%Запатентованная смесь:
Свежий корень оша, экстракт листьев плюща, листья крапивы, лист перечной мяты, корень солодки, корень софоры, плодовое тело гриба рейши, свежие листья йербы Санта-Клауса, экстракт листьев стевии297 г †† Суточная норма не определена. Dietary Supplement Kosher Parve ChildLife® Clinicals Lung Health provides a unique blend of beneficial nutrients and herbal ingredients to assist in the maintenance of your child’s optimal respiratory function and health.
ChildLife® Clinicals uses only the highest quality ingredients. Gluten free, alcohol free, casein free. Contains no milk, eggs, soy, wheat, yeast, or corn. No artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.
ChildLife® Clinicals Lung Health is an herbal formulation designed to support optimal respiratory health. Our unique formula contains a proprietary blend of nine carefully selected herbal extracts, along with two essential vitamins, for healthy respiratory function. The herbal ingredients included work synergistically to support bronchial muscle relaxation and healthy air flow.
ChildLife® Clinicals is formulated by Dr. Murray Clarke leading Holistic Pediatrician in the U.S.A. ChildLife® Clinicals supplements provide the highest quality ingredients available, which are all natural, clean, pure, and fresh.

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